
We are the Absalonson family. Dan and Kadi, Seth, Jasmine, McKenzie, Jack, and Kaylee.

In April of 2018 we took our family to Guatemala to visit our dear friends of Tree Ministries who live down there as missionaries. Dan was very impacted by our visit and upon returning decided he wanted to be in full-time ministry, but wasn't sure what that would look like. He began a pastoral internship with our church and also began seminary at Western Seminary. He has had the opportunity to lead worship, teach, preach and help shepherd our church through small groups and one on one discipleship. Most recently, he was installed as an elder in our church.

In January of 2022 we went back to Guatemala to see if there might be a place for us to serve down there. We were able to meet so many amazing people acting as the hands and feet of God. We met with local pastors and were so encouraged to see them faithfully ministering the gospel to unreached areas. Over the next month we spent hours praying and seeking counsel, and we ultimately saw that the Lord was leading us to help with church planting in Guatemala.

After being in Guatemala for a year it became clear that our role here is to support the local church we have become part of. We asked veteran IMB missionaries here where they thought churches were needed and they shared that there were already churches but they all needed a lot of help with pastoring and training. We saw this as something we were already doing and called to continue doing at El Faro, our local church. Dan is pastoring alongside Juan Carlos as they develop membership and eldership at the church. He also serves as a worship leader every Sunday and helps with preaching. Kadi serves at the church as well and helps lead women’s ministry events. We also serve with our church doing evangelistic outreach, going into homes to deliver stoves, food, offer prayer, share the gospel, and invite them to church.

We COVET your prayers! We are hopeful that you will join us as prayer partners, and even consider visiting us! If the Lord leads you to also partner with us financially, we will use it to further the spread of the gospel. Please reach out to us if you would like to hear more about our plans. If you would like updates via email, please send us your email address! You can do that in the Contact Us form below.

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